Alloy Brite

Non Acidic Wheel Cleaner

5 Litre

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Product REF: 59
An alkaline based wheel cleaner which quickly breaks down dirt and accumulated brake dust on alloy and factory finished lacquered wheels. Provides excellent detergent and emulsification for soils contained in wheel grime.

" directions="

Dilution Rates: Dilute 1 part product up to 3 parts water for heavy soiling. Dilute 1 part product up to 5 parts water for medium soiling. Dilute 1 part product up to 9 parts water for light soiling. Please note: this is a professional strength product and is only recommended for factory finished alloy wheels at the directed dilutions ratios as per the label.

" features="

Non-acidic formula | Requires little agitation | Removes soiling in one application | Rinses freely
